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Showing posts from 2019

Shadow R Ranch Introduction

Shadow R Ranch When I think of all the fun I h ave had making this place, I just have to share it. I purchased this land with no fences and no roads back in 2007. Since then it has been a love affair. With cattle, with the soil, with building projects, with procurement, procurement, pr ocurement! What you see out h ere now are four dwellings: my house, the Cabin, the Lodge, the Shelter Out Back, and a few deer stands. The 260 acres is about 1/2 cultivatable pastureland and about 1/2 hardwood forest. Flatland and wooded rolling hills. About 2008 I fell upon a rocky area with no trees that were just magical. I lived in Waxahachie in those days but wanted to be out there on that rock outcropping, soaking up the sights and sounds of the wildlife. I erected a large miner's tent that I bought at an antique store. Inside I installed a Persian rug, a four-poster bed, a wood stove, and a chandelier. I made it my hideaway...until hot Texas sunburned holes through it. At that point