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Showing posts from November, 2021

About the Shadow R Ranch and a photo of some happy residents

I purchased the Shadow R Ranch property in 2007. The pastures had been severely overgrazed with no effort to regenerate the soil or restore the multiple species of grasses that once flourished and swayed in the breezes during previous generations. For many decades, there was no effort to depart from the traditional mono-farming (a single type of crop at a time vs. planting multiple crops at the same time). This style of farming included deep soil cultivation and, perhaps unknowingly, upsetting the natural balance of the soil. Today because of better soil science, we know bacteria varieties and microorganisms are vitally necessary for soil fertility. That was not the understanding or the mindset of the farmer/rancher family of the past. Unfortunately, many of the current day farmers/ranchers remain uninformed, but that is changing as more and more are becoming aware of the virtues of the poly farming (cover crop) culture and the use and practice of no-till planting. Now, back to the Sh